Why? I have no idea. Maybe it's the two X chromosomes. Maybe it was the acting of birthing out these children. Maybe it's just my dumb luck. But when the girls need help with something (anything) it's "MOM! I need you!"
Hair brushing, bath washing, teeth brushing, clothes choosing (or just helping to put on), food getting, drink filling, swing pushing, walk taking, driving to events, and especially bedtime facilitating - all seem to need Mom. Dad will do if Mom is not around (or is busy, or put her foot down) but he is never really the first choice.
Sometimes I think the kids are jealous of my book, computer, quiet time, dishes doing, laundry folding (and putting away), or whatever else I'm trying to do at any point during the day. But that can't be it since they let Dad be on his computer, cut the lawn, cook on the BBQ, or whatever he's trying to do at any point in his day.
Can anyone explain this? I'm open to any theories. If I am not at home I hear they rarely ask about me, or refuse to do things since I'm not there. A big change from a year or two (or maybe three or four) ago when I was needed even when I was not at home (thank goodness for this change!) But if I'm home and I dare to suggest that Dad could put whomever to bed there is usually a sizeable resistance. Again I'll say it's much better now, but they still want me. Most of the time.
People keep telling me I'll miss it when the girls are older and they don't need me. Right now I don't believe that. I know they'll grow out of bedtime stories, and needing help with their clothes, and all that stuff; but at this point I'm kind of excited for the day I don't have to drag them out of bed, ask them 100 times what they'd like for breakfast, and then get it for them, then rush them through eating and getting dressed so we can get out of the house on time.
Life with little kids is always an interesting adventure. No two days are the same, and no one will eat the same food twice. But there is one constant - needing Mom. I love that they need me. I enjoy the mom-kid time. But sometimes it's just too much. I'm so glad I have a loving husband along on this journey who's ready and able to wrangle the kids when I've really just had too much.