For the first 2 weeks I could keep track of calories, and set aside time to read and clean. Soon after that I lost interest. As I feel everyone (or mostly everyone) does as the new year crawls forward.
Now that I'm a mom, and I've succeeded (very slowly) in losing some weight and increasing my activity level on a daily basis, my ideas for resolutions have changed.

I know the new year is an excellent time to start new things, or to renew those things that got lost over the year or in the holiday hubbub. I think this past year has been a very successful one for me. I started doing a few more things for myself that I had let go by the wayside after I had kids. Being able to get out one night a week, I think, is making a big difference in my mindset - and my activity level, since it's a dance class! I truthfully don't feel there is anything I need to add or change in my lifestyle right now. I'm maintaining my weight loss, the girls are happy and healthy, and besides trivial things like "try to eat less take-out" or "magically find a ton of money on the sidewalk" I think we're doing pretty well here.

I want to wish all my readers (and "fans" if I have any of those!) a happy and prosperous new year. Thank you for your interest in my blog over the past months - I hope to keep to posting fun and interesting things for you all to read. I am always open to subject ideas as well - just comment any ideas or topics and I'll do my best to craft up something interesting!
What resolutions did you (or will you) make this year? Have your resolution ideas changed over the years, or after having kids? Share with me in the comments.