The exercise I get is not exactly a cardio powerhouse, but I definitely do notice some positive body changes. While the scale does not reflect what I feel is going on I do notice a stronger core. I actually have some abdominal definition now (up by my ribs, not down in the "belly" area which I can't seem to tone up at all!), and my hips and legs are toning up but also not getting smaller. I've always had "big" legs - I'd like to call them muscle-y and now they are!
All the ladies that I've danced with over the weeks are so great! When I am sure I have no idea what I'm doing they are there with positive words, or they take me aside and show it to me again and help me learn what seems so easy for them. The environment is amazing for learning with little to no pressure to "keep-up!"

My parents, upon hearing I'm taking ballet classes now, sent me this blast from the past. This is me at 4 years old. I have no actual memories of taking ballet, but I've heard rumours. Now I guess I have proof that this is not my first time at the barre.
I did spend a Wednesday evening at Kingston School of Dance while Emma had her 2 hours of dance classes. That's the night that Adult Ballet II happens. The ladies that do both classes were asking if I was there for that, and when I said no they tried to tell me it's just the same as Monday nights. Well, I watched that class and, while the steps are the same (as they should be - it's ballet!), the class moves at a much faster pace. No time for me to be stumbling around and not knowing what I'm supposed to be doing. There may come a day where I feel I'm ready to try that out, but it's sure not now!
This week's class was the last before Christmas break. We got to wear tutus to dance - it was so much fun! There were only 4 ladies that night, myself included. I think there are about 12 ladies that may be there at any given week. Of course with Christmas looming people are very busy, so I wasn't surprised that attendance was down this week. It was a great class - as it always is.
Since we all felt so fancy in our tutus we took a few photos at the end of class. I would have liked to get one with Ebon (the teacher) in as well, we did get a nice one. Here we are, the ladies of Monday night Adult Ballet I.
I am planning to continue with dance for as long as I'm enjoying it. Maybe someday some of the grace and poise the other ladies embody will be absorbed by me. I can dream, right?
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