Thursday, 7 April 2016

I Have Moved!

Greetings faithful readers!

If any of you have me bookmarked (I should be so lucky!) I'm here to announce I will no longer be updating this blog.  I have consolidated all my ideas and moved to WordPress!

Please follow my new blog at A Modern Mom's Life.  I am still having my Mom musings as well as posts about things going on around town, my book, and product, reviews as well as following along my daughter Emma's acting and modelling career in my new, streamlined space.

I am also still the same on Twitter, FB and G+.  I'm also now on Instagram.  Please do follow me on all these platforms so you don't miss any of my ramblings!

Hope to see you on the new blog!


PS - I have a new email too:  Drop me a line and say hi.  I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, 3 April 2016

New Domain Coming!

Alright readers, I'm going to make the switch.

Since I already have a domain ( - you can go there, but it's just ads today) I'm going to make the switch to WordPress for my blog.  I'm incredibly nervous about switching, but it will be better in the long run, I'm sure.

I'm toying with the idea of just having the one blog and using categories or tags to then break down the content.  So if you don't see posts from me for a while, this is why!

Emma also has a domain ( so I'm going to try to integrate that as well and follow along with her modelling and acting on that page.

If you have tips or ideas, or know of some great plugins or anything else that may be useful knowledge for me, please share in the comments.  I'm even undecided about carrying over my old posts, or just leaving them here and starting fresh.

My social media will all be updated as soon as I have this figured out.  I'll still be using the same accounts so if you follow me there you'll see my new posts and such, they'll just direct to my new platform.

Wish me luck!